Early Intervention in Psychosis

Early intervention in Psychosis Happy Group

Welcome to the NASMHPD Early Intervention in Psychosis virtual resource center, made possible through the generous support of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF).

Psychotic illnesses typically emerge in the teen years or during early adulthood, with the potential for significant long-term impairment.  Recent research, however, has demonstrated that appropriate treatments and supports can: 

  • Help to prevent the full-onset of illness for persons in a high-risk state; and
  • Improve long-term outcomes for those who have already had a first episode of psychosis.

The research has led to the development of early intervention and treatment programs with the potential to benefit millions of youth and young adults with or at risk of psychosis.

The Early Intervention in Psychosis virtual resource center is designed to provide reliable information for practitioners, policymakers, individuals, families, and communities in order to foster more widespread adoption and utilization of early intervention programming for persons at risk for (or experiencing a first episode of) psychosis.  The site includes information from a national RWJF-funded demonstration to identify and prevent the onset of psychotic illness – the Early Detection and Intervention for the Prevention of Psychosis Program (EDIPPP) ­– as well as other early intervention initiatives. 

If you're looking for a program providing early intervention in psychosis, SAMHSA has developed a free online treatment locator searchable by state: https://www.samhsa.gov/esmi-treatment-locator

List of Technical Assistance Materials on FEP. View materials related to early intervention in psychosis and treatment or clinical issues, system issues, program and financing issues, or family involvement.

The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) launched the Early Psychosis Intervention Network (EPINET), a national learning health care system that links early psychosis clinics through standard clinical measures, uniform data collection methods, data sharing agreements, and integration of client-level data across service users and clinics. The EPINET initiative includes 8 Regional Hubs, 101 early psychosis clinics across 16 states, and the EPINET National Data Coordinating Center (ENDCC). The ENDCC is operated by Westat, and serves as the primary coordinator for EPINET activities across the Regional Hubs and early psychosis clinics. For more information, including a list of all participating hubs and clinics, visit the ENDCC website at https://nationalepinet.org/. 

In October 2023 the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services issued new billing codes for reimbursement of Coordinated Specialty Care (CSC) for first episode psychosis.  This document presents the codes and summarizes the importance of adequate insurance based funding for this evidence based practice. 


What is Psychosis? About EDIPPP Information for Providers Information for Individuals and Families Information for Policymakers Treatment Programs Outreach and Awareness