TA Coalition Webinar: Understanding, Connecting & Helping Youth Mental Health Through Screening featuring MHA Oklahoma

A SAMHSA sponsored webinar presented by Mental Health America (MHA) took place Wednesday, April 24, 2024 from 2:00-3:00pm Eastern Time titled Understanding, Connecting, & Helping Youth Mental Health Through Screening featuring MHA Oklahoma”


One way to help youth build self-awareness, reduce stigma, and promote positive well-being is to incorporate school screening tools. Adolescent youth face many transitions like entering secondary school, growth & development, and coping with life's uncertainties. These new challenges can mask undetected mental health concerns leading to serious emotional disturbance. The benefits of implementing school screening tools like YouthCheck can help identify those concerns early and likely prevent long-term consequences of poor mental health. This non-diagnostic screening helps youth understand their thoughts, feelings, and behavior tendencies. Providers must cultivate collaborative relationships with school administrators and staff to gain access to schools. That partnership will benefit youth and families by providing early identification of mental health concerns, access to resources, and improved outcomes.

In this free 60-minute Webinar, presenters from the Youth Mental Health Program at Mental Health Association Oklahoma discussed:

  • Best practices for engaging and building relationships with schools.
  • How the screening tool YouthCheck can be used to identify and detect mental health concerns.
  • The process of how your program does all the work from introduction, screening, referring, and case management. 


  • Dr. Cheryl Delk-Manager: Youth Mental Health Program at Mental Health Association Oklahoma. 
  • Chelsea Gordon, MS, LPC, NCC, Youth Mental Health Specialist in the Youth Mental Health Program at the Mental Health Association Oklahoma. 

If you have any questions, please contact Kelle Masten via email at kelle.masten@nasmhpd.org or Paige Thomas at paige.thomas@nasmhpd.org.

Thank you!
