Youth in Crisis: The Misdiagnosis and Labeling of Marginalized Youths in Schools

A SAMHSA sponsored webinar presented by the National Association of State Mental Health Program Directors took place Wednesday, November 20, 2024 from 11:30am-1:00pm Eastern Time titled Youth in Crisis: The Misdiagnosis and Labeling of Marginalized Youths in Schools”.

Description: According to research, trauma disproportionately affects marginalized youths of color in America (Pumariega, Jo, Beck, & Rahmani, 2022). These trauma experiences may include historical and generational trauma, immigration stressors, natural and manmade disasters, family and/or community violence, racism, and discrimination. Studies show these youths of color may experience adverse childhood experiences at a rate faster than their peers which can negatively impact their health throughout the lifespan (Cooc, 2017). Complex trauma and serious emotional disturbance (SED) concerns that these youths face in the school environment are often misdiagnosed or mislabeled as a disability which can lead to harsh discipline, inappropriate care, stigma, and overly restrictive learning environments. 

In this presentation, the presenters 1) discussed factors that contribute to the mental health crisis in youths, 2) explored the differences between a trauma response and serious emotional disturbance in marginalized youths, and 3) discussed what schools can do to mitigate the misdiagnosis and labeling of marginalized youth. 

 Learning Objectives:

  1. Discussed the factors that can contribute or lead to mental health crisis in youths.
  2. Discussed how to appropriately differentiate between a trauma response and serious emotional disturbance in youths.
  3. Discussed what schools and organizations can do to mitigate the misdiagnosis and labeling of marginalized youths.


  • Dr. Deborah E. Purge, Ph.D., LMFT 
  • Dr. Tracey Brown, Ph.D., LPC-S,CSC

If you have any questions, please contact Kelle Masten via email at or Paige Thomas at


Thank you!
