To continue a network among state and territorial behavioral health system cultural and linguistic competence coordinators, formerly known as Cultural and Linguistic Competence Coordinators' Network for State and Territorial Behavioral Health Services (State CLC Coordinators' Network).
Members of the network will include managers of cultural and linguistic competence or multicultural services, tribal liaisons, and other key personnel who are addressing racial/ethnic/cultural disparities in state or territorial behavioral health systems. Similarly any person with related functions at the state or territorial l level who addresses the behavioral health needs of children and youth within or external to the mental health department. (This addition is included in recognition that in some states the responsibility for mental health services for children and youth is located in a structure other than the mental health department.)
Additional Resources
Position Statement on Culturally Competent and Lingusitically Appropriate Mental Health Services
NASMHPD Liaisons:
Kelle Masten
Coalition Manager
Phone: 703-682-5187
Email: Kelle.Masten@nasmhpd.org
Leah Holmes Bonilla, M.A.
Senior Training and Technical Assistance Advisor
Phone: 703-682-5196
Email: Leah.Holmes-Bonilla@nasmhpd.org