The materials below include descriptions and links to various clinician manuals, programmatic descriptions/guidelines, and other tools developed to support quality care for persons in early stages of psychosis.
SAMHSA has supported the development of several technical assistance resources to help states and communities to plan, implement, and operate coordinated specialty care programs and associated services and supports to meet the needs of individuals experiencing a first episode of psychosis.
PIER Program
Originally developed by the PIER program and used in conjunction with the RWJF EDIPPP initiative, the booklet Recognizing and Helping Young People at Risk for Psychosis(link is external) was created for diverse professionals working with young people. It covers information about psychosis, the course of onset and illness, assessment, diagnosis, intervention strategies, and suggested readings. Providers may also find the booklet to be useful to some of the families with whom they work.
PIER Training Institute
The PIER Model (upon which the EDIPPP initiative was based) involves community outreach, assessment, and treatment for young people aged 12-25 demonstrating prodromal symptoms of severe mental illness. This website includes information about the model and available training.
The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)
NIMH has compiled a set of resources related to Coordinated Specialty Care (CSC) for First Episode Psychosis that includes: an outline of the core components of CSC; manuals for outreach, recruitment and implementation; and links to various program manuals and other resources developed from NIMH’s RAISE Initiative (Recovery After an Initial Schizophrenia Episode).
The Center for Practice Innovations at Columbia University
OnTrackUSA was initiated in conjunction with the NIMH RAISE initiative. The website contains a variety of manuals related to planning and implementing CSC, including documents addressing psychopharmacology, recovery coaching, and employment and education support. Notably, it also includes a helpful Interactive Spreadsheet to Estimate Number and Cost of First Episode Psychosis Teams Needed in an Area and Number of Clients Served.
Navigate an evolution of the NIMH RAISE Early Treatment Program, is designed to provide early and effective treatment to individuals who have experienced a first episode of psychosis. It offers a range of materials for professionals including a Team Members Guide, Program Director Manual, Family Education Manual, Individual Resiliency Trainer (IRT) Manual, and Supported Employment and Education Manual.
The Early Assessment and Support Alliance (EASA)
The Early Assessment and Support Alliance (EASA) is an early intervention program serving young people in early stages of illness with teams that include counselors, case managers, occupational and supported employment/education specialists, medical staff, and family education and mentorship. In conjunction with this work, the EASA Center for Excellence provides helpful informational materials for providers, individuals, family and friends.
UCLA Semel Institute for Neuroscience and Human Behavior
The UCLA Semel Institute for Neuroscience and Human Behavior does significant work with mental disorders in youth. Their website contains a variety of information on mood disorders in young people, including a downloadable Clinicians Treatment Manual for Family-Focused Therapy for Early-Onset Youth and Young Adults
View Presentation:
New Informational Resources on Addressing First Episode Psychosis: Product Overview
The Growing Momentum in Early and First Episode Psychosis Programs(link is external)
Evidence Based Approaches to Systematic Fidelity Assessment for First Episode Programs
Funding Strategies for Early Psychosis Intervention Models
Prep for Success: Lessons Learned in Implementing Models for Early Intervention in Psychosis
Community Outreach and Prevention as an Element of Early Intervention in Psychosis
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Recovery with Persons in Early Stages of Serious Mental Illness
Preventing Neuroprogression in Bipolar Disorder by Early Intervention
Strategies for Funding Coordinated Specialty Care Initiatives
An Overview of Coordinated Specialty Care (CSC) for Persons with First Episode Psychosis
Practical Approaches to Measuring Fidelity in Coordinated Specialty Care for First Episode Psychosis
Mental Health Block Grant 10% Set-Aside: Information Session
Peer Involvement & Leadership in Early Intervention in Psychosis Services
Part I: Recognizing Suicidal Ideation and Behavior in Individuals with First Episode Psychosis
Initiatives to address the needs of persons in early stages of psychosis have been supported in a number of countries. Below are examples of global resources that may be of interest to practitioners here in the United States:
The University of British Columbia, Mental Health Evaluation & Community Consultation Unit in the Department of Psychiatry has produced a comprehensive document : “Early Psychosis: A Guide for Mental Health Clinicians” (2000).
Early Psychosis: A Guide for Mental Health Clinicians” (2000)(link is external)
The Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care published several documents on the topic of early psychosis, including guidance released in 2011 on Early Psychosis Intervention Program Standards.
Early Psychosis Intervention Program Standards(link is external)
The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) provides national guidance to improving health and social care in England. In 2014, they produced Psychosis and Schizophrenia in Children and Young People, which provides a general overview of principles of care for children and young adults, including a section on presenting first episode psychosis in primary care settings.
Webs Links:
Psychosis and Schizophrenia in Children and Young People(link is external)
The Early Intervention (EI) in Psychosis IRIS Network in the United Kingdom supports the promotion of EI in psychosis and was first formed to support the National EI Programme (2004-2010) by creating a network that brings together elected EI regional leads to share issues and solutions. The website contains a variety of resources to support practitioner learning.
Webs Links:
Early Intervention (EI) in Psychosis IRIS Network(link is external)
Researchers in Australia have done a significant amount of well-regarded work in the area of early intervention. Australia’s Early Psychosis Prevention and Intervention Centre (EPPIC) is an integrated and comprehensive mental health service model aimed at addressing the needs of people aged 15-24 with a first episode of psychosis. EPPIC maintains a website of training and education resources for early psychosis clinicians and researchers. The Orygen Youth Health program in Melbourne that operates EPPIC also offers coordinated care for young people at risk of psychosis via a program called PACE (Personal Assessment and Crisis Evaluation).
Webs Links:
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is recognized as a valuable treatment tool for persons in early stages of serious mental illness. The Centre for Clinical Interventions, Psychotherapy, Research and Training in Australia has produced a comprehensive “Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Psychotic Symptoms: A Therapists Manual”.
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Psychotic Symptoms: A Therapists Manual