Information for Policymakers

Policymakers who are working to improve the lives of persons with or at risk for mental illness are likely to find the materials listed under all sections of the Early Intervention in Psychosis virtual resource center to be of interest. Listed below are some additional references that may be of particular use to those addressing this issue from a policy perspective.

The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) Early Detection and Intervention for the Prevention of Psychosis Program (EDIPPP)

The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) Early Detection and Intervention for the Prevention of Psychosis Program (EDIPPP) generated excellent results for the youth receiving care, including: reduced symptomatology; improved functioning; and increased participation in school/work. Additionally, this demonstration showed that effective systems of early identification and preventive intervention could be established in nationally representative cities and counties.

The Early Detection and Intervention for the Prevention of Psychosis in Adolescents and Young Adults report of RWJF’s EDIPPP(link is external) initiative provides a detailed overview of the rationale, structure, clinical protocols, operation, technical support, evaluation procedures, results, sustainability efforts, and key lessons learned in this comprehensive national initiative to help persons at risk for psychosis. An Executive Summary is also available. Click here for information on published research articles on outcomes.

RWJF also produced several short Issue Briefs(link is external) in conjunction with the EDIPPP project that succinctly and effectively present the needs and benefits associated with investing in comprehensive care that can improve the long-term outcomes of persons in prodromal stages of psychosis.

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)

SAMHSA has supported the development of several technical assistance resources to help states and communities to plan, implement, and operate coordinated specialty care programs and associated services and supports to meet the needs of individuals experiencing a first episode of psychosis.  

PDF icon Brochure: Right from the Start: Keeping Your Body in Mind (link is external)

PDF icon Information Brief: Outreach for First Episode Psychosis(link is external)

PDF icon Issue Brief: Measuring the Duration of Untreated Psychosis within First Episode Psychosis Coordinated Specialty Care(link is external)

PDF icon Issue Brief: Understanding and Addressing the Stigma Experienced by People with First Episode Psychosis(link is external)

PDF icon Issue Brief: Workforce Development in Coordinated Specialty Care Programs(link is external)

PDF icon Guidance Manual: Educating Communities to Identify and Engage Youth in the Early Phases of an Initial Psychosis: A Manual for Sp(link is external)

PDF icon Toolkit: Back to School Support for Full Inclusion of Students with Early Psychosis in Higher Education, Campus Staff & Admin.(link is external)

PDF icon Toolkit: Back to School Support for Full Inclusion of Students with Early Psychosis in Higher Education, Student & Family (link is external)

PDF icon Issue Brief: Age and Developmental Considerations in Early Psychosis(link is external)

PDF icon Policy Brief: Coordinated Specialty Care (Why Specialty Early Intervention Programs are a Smart Investment)(link is external)

PDF icon Information Guide: Snapshot of State Plans for Using the Community Mental Health Block Grant (MHBG) Ten Percent Set-Aside (link is external)

PDF icon Inventory and Environmental Scan of Evidence Based Practices for Treating Persons in Early Stages of Serious Mental Disorders(link is external)

PDF icon Guidance Manual: Peer Involvement and Leadership in Early Intervention in Psychosis Services(link is external)

PDF icon Fact Sheet: Building upon Existing Programs and Services to Meet the Needs of Persons with First Episode Psychosis(link is external)

PDF icon Information Brief: Use of Medicaid to Finance Coordinated Specialty Care Services for First Episode Psychosis (link is external)

PDF icon Distance Education Course: A Family Primer on Psychosis(link is external)

PDF icon 2018: Snapshot of State Plans for Using the Community Mental Health Block Grant 10% Set-Aside to Address First Episode Psychosis(link is external)

PDF icon Coordinated Specialty Care for People with First Episode Psychosis: Assessing Fidelity to the Model(link is external)

PDF icon Trauma, PTSD and First Episode Psychosis(link is external)

PDF icon Addressing Trauma and PTSD in First Episode Psychosis Programs(link is external)

Information Brief: First-Episode Psychosis: Considerations for the Criminal Justice System(link is external)

Early Intevention in Psychosis: A Primer

Demystifying Psychosis: A Primer for Families

Information Guide: Use of Performance Measures in Early Intervention Programs(link is external)

Issue Brief: What Comes After Early Intervention(link is external)

Brochures: Optimizing Medication Management for Persons Who Experienced a First Episode of Psychosis(link is external)

Fact Sheet: Supporting Student Success in Higher Education Beyond the Clinic(link is external)

Fact Sheet: Implementation of Coordinated Specialty Services for First Episode Psychosis in Rural and Frontier Communities(link is external)

Issue Brief: Supported Education for Persons Experiencing a First Episode of Psychosis (link is external)

Information Guide: Steps and Decision Points in Starting an Early Psychosis Program(link is external)

Distance Education Course: Early Interventions in Psychosis(link is external)

The National Center for Children in Poverty

In 2009, The National Center for Children in Poverty produced Facts for Policy Makers: Adolescent Mental Health in the United States that offers helpful information and recommendations for proactively addressing the mental health needs of young people.

PDF icon Facts for Policy Makers: Adolescent Mental Health in the United States (link is external)

The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)

The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) website includes a statistics section with data on prevalence, disability, and costs associated with serious mental illness.

Statistics(link is external)

Consumer Testimony

Click here(link is external) to view consumer testimony that was provided in 2014 to the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions during a hearing entitled “Examining Mental Health Trends: Treatment Options and Trends.”

Archived Webinars

Mental Health Block Grant 10% Set-Aside: Information Session

New Informational Resources on Addressing First Episode Psychosis: Product Overview

Robert Wood Johnson Foundation EDIPPP Panel, 2013: Question and Answer session ( 22-minute video )(link is external)

The Growing Momentum in Early and First Episode Psychosis Programs(link is external)

Promoting Meaningful Family Involvement in Coordinated Specialty Care Programming for Persons with First Episode of Psychosis

Supported Education as a Component of Coordinated Specialty Care for Persons with First Episode Psychosis

Evidence Based Approaches to Systematic Fidelity Assessment for First Episode Programs

Funding Strategies for Early Psychosis Intervention Models

Prep for Success: Lessons Learned in Implementing Models for Early Intervention in Psychosis

Community Outreach and Prevention as an Element of Early Intervention in Psychosis

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Recovery with Persons in Early Stages of Serious Mental Illness

Preventing Neuroprogression in Bipolar Disorder by Early Intervention

Opportunities for Utilizing Peer Support and other Meaningful Peer Roles in Coordinated Specialty Care

Measuring the Impact of Early Intervention Programs for First Episode Psychosis: Experiences and Lessons Learned

Inventory and Environmental Scan of Evidence - Based Practices for Treating Persons in Early Stages of Serious Mental Disorders

Using the 5% MHBG Set-Aside to Support Programming for First Episode Psychosis: Activities and Lessons Learned from the State of

Strategies for Funding Coordinated Specialty Care Initiatives

An Overview of Coordinated Specialty Care (CSC) for Persons with First Episode Psychosis

Practical Approaches to Measuring Fidelity in Coordinated Specialty Care for First Episode Psychosis

Providing Treatment for First Episode Psychosis Clients: Telehealth and other Strategies(link is external)

Optimizing First Episode Schizophrenia Medication Treatment Using the RAISE-ETP (NAVIGATE) Model(link is external)

Team-based Treatment for First Episode Psychosis is Cost Effective: Implications for Policy and Practice

Providing Coordinated Specialty Care Services for First Episode Psychosis in Rural and Frontier Settings

Peer Involvement & Leadership in Early Intervention in Psychosis Services

Part 2:  Recognizing and Addressing Suicide Ideation and Behavior in individuals with a First Episode Psychosis

Cultural Competence and Caring for Individuals with First-Episode Psychosis and their Families

PDF icon Handouts


The New South Wales Health Department

The New South Wales Health Department produced a document in 2001, “Getting in Early: A framework for early intervention and prevention in mental health for young people in New South Wales.” This report outlines five broad strategies for progressing prevention and early intervention in mental health for young people: 1) developing and coordinating comprehensive programs and services; 2) engaging young people and their families and providing comprehensive assessment and management; 3) developing and implementing prevention programs; 4) educating the community, particularly on depression and related disorders and first onset psychosis in young people; and 5) monitoring quality and effectiveness.

PDF icon Getting in Early: A framework for early intervention and prevention in mental health for young people in New South Wales(link is external)

The Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care

The Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care published a comprehensive document, “Program Policy Framework for Early Intervention in Psychosis,” that establishes Ontario’s policy framework, identifying seven key components of early intervention: facilitating access and early intervention, comprehensive assessment, treatment, psychosocial supports, family education and support, research, and public education.

PDF icon Program Policy Framework for Early Intervention in Psychosis